Conferences, Symposia, Exhibitions, etc. in Higher Education

As an additional service to the academic community, Academic Keys provides a database of technical conferences, short courses, exhibitions, etc. This is a key word searchable database - specific to each discipline - that allows professionals in higher education to post announcements about conferences, exhibitions, workshops, etc. to be viewed by all of our visitors. We invite you to post information about your event, or search the existing list of professional/performing activities.

Please note that our 'Conferences' page is for events that start at a specific date and have time value, such as a symposia or exhibition. If you have a 'resource', such as courseware, lecture notes, or computational tools that you that you would like others to know about, you should visit our 'Shared Resources' page, where such material can be posted for free and viewed by all visitors.

To post or view conferences and exhibitions in your field, choose the appropriate school below and click the link to go directly to the 'Conferences' page for that particular school.

Adjuncts | Agriculture | Business | Community Colleges | Curriculum & Education | Dentistry
Engineering | Fine Arts | Health Sciences | Humanities | K-12 Education | Law
Medicine | Pharmacy | Sciences | Senior Administration | Social Sciences | Staff & Non-Managerial Professionals | Veterinary Medicine

Alternatively, you can select your 'School' from the main page. Then, on the left hand menu, select 'Conferences' under the topic 'Professional Resources'. This page will enable you to log in and post an announcement for a conference, workshop, or performance, etc.

Academic Keys does not assume any responsibility with respect to the content and nature of the events posted.


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