Who's Who in
Pharmacy Academia

    Ameeta Agarwal

  • Associate Professor
  • Ameeta Agarwal
  • School of Pharmacy
  • http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/pharm_school/
  • University of Mississippi
  • PO Box 1848
    University, Mississippi 38677
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Agarwal’s research is focused on identifying the mechanism of action of novel antifungal as well as drug-potentiating compounds using genomic, molecular and genetic approaches. Transcript profiling studies are being conducted to identify the molecular pathways targeted by these compounds. The molecular pathways identified are being validated using genetic and biochemical strategies. Additional mechanistic studies include chemogenomic profiling as well as isolation and characterization of resistant mutants by whole-genome sequencing. Molecular targets identified are being further used to identify new compounds that disrupt these targets. The overall goal of this project is to identify new compounds as well as new pathways for the development of new treatments for the major AIDS- and cancer-related disseminated fungal infections.


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